Please remember the following when posting cover artwork requests:
1. Requests should only be posted for live audience recordings or recordings that have not been officially released. Requests for covers for official releases (or material taken from official releases) will be deleted.
2. Track lists for DVD covers should match the chapters on the DVDs, unless the chapters are random and not split according to particular songs. Otherwise, never post a setlist. You should make an effort to determine whether or not "The Ecstasy of Gold" was recorded, otherwise you will be asked. If the bootleg is a multi-disc show, also specify where in the track listing the discs are split.
3. Track lists for CDs should match the individual tracks. Never post a setlist. You should make an effort to determine whether or not "The Ecstasy of Gold" was recorded, otherwise you will be asked. Disc breaks, especially for audience recordings, will never be put on audio covers. This is because people burn their discs differently, and a cover with no disc break is usable by everyone, whereas a cover with a disc break will only be usable by some.
4. Always provide as much known source information as possible, especially the taper.
5. For DVD cover requests, please attach full-size screenshots or provide a link to a web page containing screenshots. Check this topic for some links to trading sites where you can find screenshots.
6. Always specify the number of discs your bootleg has, even if it's only one disc.
7. Although dates and locations will be checked anyway, it's a good idea to provide the complete venue, location, and date when posting requests. I suggest getting your information from the Metpage Tour Database, as it's the most accurate.
8. Different authorings, generations, and transfers of the same recording will not be considered different or new sources. New covers will be made only if the bootleg is a new or different recording, has been upgraded in some significant way other than video quality (eg. multi-cam mixes), or has a track listing that differs from the other versions (eg. different number of discs). It's pointless to make a cover for "this version" and a cover for "that version" when the source is the same. Instead, covers will be made for one particular recording, leaving out identifying information such as DVD author, generation, and bonus material. When possible, screenshots will be taken from the best version available.
9. "Extras" or "bonus material" on DVD bootlegs will be left off of cover artwork. This is because extras are often removed or replaced when DVDs are reauthored. Covers without bonus material are usable for many more different versions of a bootleg.
10. Alternate covers will only be made if existing covers contain spelling errors, wrong dates and locations, incorrect sizes, or some other significant problem. If you post a request for corrections to be made to an existing cover, a new cover may be made instead if the cover you want corrected contains significant errors, is below the general standard of quality, or is missing parts of the cover (such as disc stomps or an inlay). Also, if you request corrections to be made to an existing cover, you must post a link to the cover in our artwork gallery. The same rule applies when requesting disc stomps to be made for an existing cover.
11. If you post a request for DVD menus, you must specify the format (PAL or NTSC) and each kind of menu that you need made (such as a main menu, chapter selection menu, credits menu, blank menu, etc.).
12. Please only post one or two request topics at a time. You can post more as the requests are completed.
13. Saying please and being courteous is never a bad idea.