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Oakland 92, Cincinnati 98, Milan 99, Rome 99

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#1 Guest_Neil Towler_*

Guest_Neil Towler_*
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Posted 22 November 2004 - 12:54 AM

First of all, my name is Neil, some of you now me from other boards as Disposable_Straw. The reason for this post is, yesterday i added 4 dvd covers i have been working on the past week or so. I'am not that great at them yet, but i'am learning.

09.24.1992 - Oakland, CA
07.07.1998 - Cincinnati, Ohio
06.05.1999 - Milan, Italy
07.24.1999 - Rome, New York [Woodstock]

Now to set the record straight, the artwork for Milan & Rome, were not created by me. They were both created as cd artwork & i made them into dvd artwork. Milan by (Spawn of Cthulhu) & Rome by (FixxxerJS). I hope either of you have a problem with that, if you do, you may have them deleted from this site, or if you want to discuss this further, please email me. I just don't want you to think i ripped you off by calling it my own. Here are a few dvd shows i'am making artwork for:

11.30.1988 - Oklahoma City, OK
01.28.1989 - Tulsa, OK
08.09.1994 - Oklahoma City, OK
07.19.1998 - Mansfield, Massachusetts


#2 frantik2k3


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Posted 22 November 2004 - 01:09 AM

When you made the Milan and Woodstock covers, you have gone about them in a different way man.

The Milan one looks like crap screthed out like that. You can barely read any of the text at all. Same with the Woodstock one.

I think that if you wanted to keep with the same scheme as teh CD covers, you should have done nothing more than use the same pics, logos, and text. And not copy and paste the covers into a new layer and expand them to fit a DVD cover layout.

I do not intend to be mean or disrepectful in this post, but try to be more creative man, explore the art programs a bit more.

#3 Kathlib the Prophet

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 01:27 AM

I wasn't mad or anything, I had to rename and reupload them (due to the search page requirements) and when I did I just tacked on a little note that the original artwork was made by someone else, no big deal, I've done that on some of my DVD and MetVault covers as well. I might make a better Milan cover sometime, since I did the CD-R artwork anyway.

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