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Help with Screen Captures

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#1 Guest_Fadingtoblack_*

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Posted 02 January 2005 - 01:30 PM

Hey guys,

Recently, having found nothing but crap on the net :P, I decided to use some of my DVD's to help make my witty and amusing (ask anyone! ;) :D) Sig/Avatar sets, I've gotten up to making screen captures of the frames I want, but now I'm stuck.

The problem is I'm trying to crop the bits of the frame I want, (I mean cutting the black bars at top and bottom, geting the guys face etc), and then resize the image as necessary.

Everytime I try to change the size though, the damn workspace size changes, but the damn image won't! So I'm left with a tiny bit say of the top left of the frame, hardly useful :(

So can anyone chip in with some "For Dummies" (yeah I admit it ;)) advice to help me out?

I've been trying in Photoshop, and Photoshop CS.



#2 Kathlib the Prophet

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Posted 02 January 2005 - 02:33 PM

I'm not sure what exactly you're explaining... Could you maybe be a little more specific with like what tools you're using to crop and resize the image? Photoshop can be confusing at times with what tools should actually be used; I just figured out to resize specific layers in an image a couple months ago. :P Anyway, I'm thinking maybe you're resizing the canvas and not the image?

What I would do if you're using screenshots is simply use the Crop tool to get the part of the pic you want. Then I would go to Image>Image Size and input whatever you want for the size. If you have like a specific layer in the image that you want to resize, go to Edit>Transform>Scale. Did that help any? :D

#3 Guest_Laulau_*

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Posted 04 January 2005 - 02:13 PM

I'm agree with Spawn explanation.
I'm using a little Photoshop, but I prefer to work with Paint Shop Pro.
It's really similar to photoshop to resize a picture :
Image > Resize
There is a check box, you must click or not to keep or not the proportion of the image.
There is another check box if you want to resize the actif layer or all.
Then you indicate the size for height and width of the image.
If you want to print the image, you can indicate the size in cm, inch or the resolution.

#4 Guest_Frans_*

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Posted 27 January 2005 - 03:12 PM

Speaking of screen captures and this might be totally irrelevant, but here it goes anyway.. when using PowerDVD is it normal that there is no sound at all while playing the DVD?

#5 frantik2k3


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Posted 27 January 2005 - 03:25 PM

Speaking of screen captures and this might be totally irrelevant, but here it goes anyway.. when using PowerDVD is it normal that there is no sound at all while playing the DVD?

No, that would not be normal at all. Many things cold be wrong. The most obvious would be the volume (whether it is your speakers or the mute button). Another possible scenario would be that the DVD has "bad sectors" and can not be read correctly by your DVD-Rom. Another thing to look at would be the Settings or Options, make you sure did not accidentally hit a wrong button or check box somewhere.

If nothing works, then I would say that you have yourself a faulty DVD.

When you play the DVD on a different DVD player, does the sound work?

#6 Guest_Frans_*

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Posted 27 January 2005 - 08:38 PM

Works fine on the other program I use and on my standalone

#7 frantik2k3


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Posted 28 January 2005 - 12:28 AM

Works fine on the other program I use and on my standalone

In that case, I would double check your program volume settings and options.

If you can not find anything wrong there, then most likely it is just because your DVD-Rom can not read the DVD correctly. Personally, I have a couple of DVDs that work fine on my PS2, but I can not play them on my computer.

What is the brand of the DVD-R? Sometimes DVD-Roms can not read certain "lesser-quality" brand named DVD-Rs.

#8 Guest_Frans_*

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Posted 28 January 2005 - 10:08 AM

I use Phillips DVD+R, I'll check the settings later today when I'm home (grumble work grumble)

EDIT: Nevermind, I downgraded to an earlier version of PowerDVD and now everything works perfect

#9 Guest_Fadingtoblack_*

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Posted 02 February 2005 - 09:22 AM

Thank you for all the advice people. If I ever get the chance I'll give it a shot, I've been flat out, and this is the holidays!

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