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1993-05-08_BuenosAiresArgentina_altB1DVD.jpg339 viewsPro-shot10/02/13 at 15:36gueroloco: thank you my friend

2013-09-19_RioDeJaneiroBrazil_altA1DVD.jpg282 viewsMetallica - Rock In Rio 201309/28/13 at 23:39zubo: THANK YOU

AmpLogo_1024x768_wallpaper.jpg3164 views1024 x 76808/07/13 at 09:57fedemoy: This is that I've looking for. Fantastic!!!

2008-10-20_PhoenixAZ_1booklet.jpg224 viewsRockline Radio
with Lars and Kirk05/17/13 at 07:13darksix: Great

2012-10-27_NewOrleansLA_altA1DVD.jpg212 views04/07/13 at 16:36nahuel100: really nice setlist

2012-05-25_LisbonPortugal_altB1DVD.jpg201 views02/04/13 at 06:06ABANDON2706: Wonderfull

1997-08-23_StuttgartGermany_2cd.jpg302 views09/21/12 at 06:14no leaf clover: This disc doesn't belong to this set of covers

2011-09-25_RioDeJaneiroBrazil_BluRay_1cover.jpg234 viewsGlobo ao Vivo broadcast
Blu-ray Disc version08/01/12 at 12:56aeiseleusa: Thank you for makeing this amazing cover.

2012-05-25_LisbonPortugal_alt1booklet.jpg250 viewsWebcast rip07/06/12 at 12:41zarko: It's a perfect choice anyway

2012-05-25_LisbonPortugal_alt1booklet.jpg250 viewsWebcast rip07/06/12 at 12:26Kathlib the Prophet: Thanks, but I didn't make it myself. It's ...

2012-05-25_LisbonPortugal_alt1booklet.jpg250 viewsWebcast rip07/06/12 at 12:16zarko: Very impressive work on the logo!

1997-02-05_MolineIL_altA1front.jpg375 views07/05/12 at 11:32fabio2x4: awesome

Clawhammer_003.jpg566 views06/09/12 at 22:15hell: men,this is impressive, awesome, keep it up dude

2012-05-07_PragueCzechRepublic_altA1DVD.jpg265 viewsFilmed by Martin Supich05/29/12 at 07:18Kathlib the Prophet: I like the audio version better. I think the DVD c...

2012-05-07_PragueCzechRepublic_altA1DVD.jpg265 viewsFilmed by Martin Supich05/29/12 at 06:51Mr.Metal: These look intense. Great job man.

2003-11-13_OsakaJapan_alt2back.jpg220 views04/13/12 at 00:09no leaf clover: full of spelling errors this one

1993-05-04_SantiagoChile_1booklet.jpg462 views04/10/12 at 01:49Seamus: thanks

1993-05-04_SantiagoChile_altA1DVD.jpg790 views03/25/12 at 03:10J0nn0666: wrong size for a full cover

2011-12-05_SanFranciscoCA_1booklet.jpg406 views02/19/12 at 11:10stifflips: Fantastic artwork pushead,thank you for sharing it...

2011-12-09_SanFranciscoCA_1booklet.jpg368 views02/18/12 at 08:09stifflips: Verry nice artwork,thank you for sharing.

2011-12-xx_TheBestOfTheFillmorePartI_1booklet.jpg251 viewsThe Best of the Fillmore
Part I12/15/11 at 10:09Mr.Metal: Excellent work man, love what you did with the log...

1998-11-24_NewYorkNY_altK1DVD.jpg203 views12/10/11 at 07:36no leaf clover: Very nice cover!

2008-08-15_HasseltBelgium_PAL_4credits.jpg211 viewsCredits menu11/27/11 at 14:26SkyMaster:

1986-06-14_LongBeachCA_1booklet.jpg354 viewsMasters of Mayhem10/18/11 at 21:22Sniff Heinkel: Is there an active download of this? Every one I c...

2011-09-25_RioDeJaneiroBrazil_1DVD.jpg352 viewsLive webcast stream
Captured by Wolf10/04/11 at 21:07gueroloco: gracias por la caratula amigo

1989-07-04_ClarkstonMI_5back.jpg218 viewsClarkston Is The End09/28/11 at 13:30no leaf clover: Very cool artwork

1991-08-10_GentofteDenmark_alt4back.jpg358 viewsTrack listing is missing Sad but True09/28/11 at 12:49no leaf clover: Back cover is missing Sad but true

1997-08-24_ReadingEngland_altD1DVD.jpg165 views09/28/11 at 09:38no leaf clover: COOL!!

1993-05-01_SaoPauloBrazil_altC1DVD.jpg153 viewsLeomet_200009/25/11 at 10:30Kathlib the Prophet: Correct. The Nowhere Else to Roam Tour didn't ...

1993-05-01_SaoPauloBrazil_altC1DVD.jpg153 viewsLeomet_200009/25/11 at 01:37splatty: Wrong name of the tour. Would be correct Wherever ...
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